Western Governors University (2024)

r/WGUu/skaceyJun 18 '24

New Partner sub r/WGU_Accelerators



One of the most common conflicts that the mods see on this sub is the frustration Accelerators and non-accelerators have with each other. While both kinds of students are moving towards their degrees, they each have very different approaches and goals.

To help with this, I have created a subreddit that is focused on accelerators. This is simply the first step, and that sub currently has very little structure. But while all of that is coming, I see no reason to not allow users to explore the space and kick the virtual tires.

One last note, acceleration is NOT the same as cheating. The new sub will focus on legitimate ways to accelerate and will not tolerate cheaters or those who cater to cheaters. I think most of the rules on this sub will migrate to the new sub with the possible exception of #6, but I have an idea as to how #6 could be made more helpful to new students.

Finally, since we don't have any traffic on the sub yet, I will ask here for help with moderation duties on the new sub. If you think you want to help BUILD something, let me know. If your focus is on rules, removals, and bans, you may want to wait until the sub has been built. I need collaborators, not enforcers.




r/WGUu/myBisL2Jul 14 '24

ProctorU/Guardian Mega Thread


Hello all,

We understand the concerns surrounding the new proctoring experience and want to ensure people have a place to have these discussions. Because of the volume of posts and comments, please use this mega thread for all questions/concerns/experiences/etc. with ProctorU and Guardian. Individual posts about this topic will, for now, be removed and directed to this mega thread.

As a reminder, please keep Rule 1 in mind. People with differing opinions are not breaking the sub rules, and do not justify name calling, insults, etc. Such comments will be removed.

If you see posts outside of the mega thread please report it using the "custom response" option (no details necessary for this topic), as well as any other rule breaking post and comments. Your mod team is enthusiastic but small, and we have to depend on reports from the community as we are not able to review all posts and comments.

May you all have a wonderful week!

Update: Please note that we will not be removing existing posts and requiring they be moved to the megathread. Some valuable discussions have already taken place that cannot realistically be expected to be reproduced in the mega thread. The purpose of the megathread is to keep the information in one place going forward, not delete everything up until now, but we are locking posts in the last week to encourage moving new activity to the mega thread.


r/WGUu/Responsible_Suit_20618h ago

MBA done!



r/WGUu/Ok_Seat126110h ago



Good talk about proctored exam-She was lovely, we had a bit of a hard time getting my camera set up at the right angle due to my small office area but we got it!!! Other than the camera, it was a great experience compared to all the complaints I saw on here.


r/WGUu/therudyshow11h ago

Does it ever feel like a drag to you?


Newer student here, started my first term this April. I'm trying to get my B.S. done in 2 years. So far I'm on pace for that with 25% done. But the last month or so it's felt like such a drag.

Study/read/study/read, take the PA, take the OA, pass (hopefully), get the perfunctory congratulations email from your mentor and then onto the next. And so on.

I know the point of online school is being able to do it from your house without the need to go anywhere or have much interaction with anyone else. But dang sometimes it would be nice to have something to break up the monotony.


r/WGUu/StolenSnack9h ago

Not sure about WGU?



I posted under a different username a few months ago about the difficulty I was having finding a job, but I didn’t emphasize the importance of earning my degree. If you’re reading this, I’m sure you’re looking for an excuse to believe some of the negative comments about WGU. Stop looking for reasons to put off college and just get it done. I was replaced when the company I worked for was purchased by an investment after I had dedicated 15 years of my life as a manager. As much as I hate them for what happened, it wouldn’t have happened if I had earned the degree I now have from WGU. I have a BS in business management and an MBA. I’m currently taking classes to earn a degree in mechanical engineering from a traditional college, and yes, the credits transferred. The classes are no more difficult than what I experience at WGU, and they move in slow motion. You could do everything in a day that they stretch out for a week. People are impressed with degree, even if I still fell like I’m lacking something. Imposter syndrome is a pain to deal with. You can do this, WGU is for you, and you won’t look back. Time keeps passing, the longer you take finding excuses, the longer you will have being held back by people for no reason other than they took the leap to earn their education.


r/WGUu/Pretend-Document-3542h ago

WGU refund


Looks like my account zeroed out on 8-19, when should I see the refund hit my account?



How can i make my wgu experience faster?


My Learning is slow. I don’t know how to accelerate my learning and while being in the navy I’m having to juggle school with 12 hour watches. I just wanna know if there is someone out there going through the same thing and how do you get over it?


r/WGUu/KeyCommand701526m ago

Online Access Scholorship


Hey, I don't know if anyone is in this situation, but If you got the online access scholarship email saying they will consider you further but haven't said anything else for a while, like a week or so... email them back asking for an update.

I was waiting for the following email, and I just emailed them asking for an update. They said I was qualified and would get tracking information in the next week or two, but an hour later, I got an email saying the package was out for delivery that day and was in transit for a week before that.

It requires a signature, so I would have missed it if I had yet to receive the email that day. (I wasn't home)

if anyone is wondering how to apply for this, the link is here

And no, it doesn't affect whether you get other scholarships because it isn't monetary

edit: I spelled scholarship wrong in the title. I'm sorry it's 8 am


r/WGUu/Waste-Visit716413h ago

National Society


Has anyone ever gotten this before? I’m not sure what it is lol


r/WGUu/Anxious-Button-528313h ago

Graduates be like…



Who else is like this?🤣


r/WGUu/The_Raging_Dave1h ago

Issue with Course Vids on mobile


Anyone else prompted to sign in to view videos then taken to either a blank screen or a page that says you don’t have permission?


r/WGUu/Serious_Avocado444518h ago

Mentor Experience *positive


I see a lot of negative stories so I just wanted to levitate some peoples anxiety. I had my meeting call with my mentor and I absolutely love her. She is super sweet and helps me laugh through my anxiety.

If you get a sh*tty mentor... ask for a new one.

Anyone else. Please leave your stories good or bad with your mentor. I love the drama.


r/WGUu/Etouffee198812h ago

Information TechnologyEthic In Technology


Just survived the Ethics in Technology rollercoaster, folks! 🎢 Buckle up for some thrilling insights and tips!

First off, the reading material is about as exciting as watching paint dry. 🥱 But fear not! They try to spice it up with real-life examples. Pro tip: Take breaks between chapters to avoid turning into a philosophy zombie. 🧟‍♂️

The chapter quizzes are actually useful (shocker, I know). They're like mini-boss battles before the final showdown. 🎮

Now, the practice assessment is your secret weapon. I attacked that thing like it owed me money. 💰 Reviewed it 10-11 times and it paid off big time!

Quizlets are your best friend here. I played those matching games like my life depended on it. It's like Tinder, but for ethics terms. Swipe right on knowledge!📚
Quizlet 1Quizlet 2

Key things to remember:

  • Know your moral philosophies (it's like a superhero lineup, but with less spandex)
  • Master the CIA triad (not the spy agency, unfortunately)
  • Pay attention to AI/ML stuff (it's not just about robots taking over... yet)

Overall, it took me 12 hours over 3 days. Could be faster if you're not juggling family, work, and a sudden urge to binge-watch cat videos.

😺Good luck! May the moral force be with you! 🚀


r/WGUu/Active_Masterpiece2121h ago

Is it worth it?Dumb idea


I really like the self paced model that WGU offers how ever I’m not sure if I have a real interest in the degrees they have. I’m in my late 20’s and never went to college, I’m really only getting a degree as check box to advance in the career I’m already in. So my question is it a dumb idea to just pursue a that I don’t have a %100 interest in just because I can get it done quicker or should I look into a different school like SNHU or Liberty? Any advice is greatly appreciated.


r/WGUu/Flimsy-Ad521513h ago

Threshold between full time and part time student


When I tell people I’m attending college and working full time I struggle to figure out if I’m considered a full time student or part time.

What would you consider full time what is the threshold between part time and full time. How many CU’s or classes and why


r/WGUu/mrbiggs052914h ago

Sending in all transcripts


Hey guys and gals quick question. I went to 2 schools I grabbed 75 credits from one and then the other I flunked out. Do I have to send in the one I flunked out of? The 75 credits school I left with a 2.13 and the other is deplorable. Would it mess me up if I leave it out? Or will I get accepted?


r/WGUu/forindulgingmyvanity21h ago



Do you guys ever feel like WGU communication is extremely disjointed and you have to be the middle man between parties (mentor, field experience specialist, clinical supervisor, etc.) to get them on the same page? I wish they all just had the same information. Feels like talking to a different customer support person every time.


r/WGUu/theRealCryWolf15h ago

Information TechnologyCyber Resume Review, no exp


Hey guys any and all advice or comments would be appreciated! Working on more complex and meaningful projects to add on as well as certifications 💪🏼 links at the top are phone number, email, LinkedIn and GitHub


r/WGUu/Sea_Win_699522h ago

PASSED MY ITIL4 D336!!!! 3 days of studying


Mane, I’ve been procrastinating for months. But anyways I finally did it! I actually didn’t start studying until 3 days ago but I was enrolled in this class for months smh lol

Straight to the point.

Started with Jason Dion Practice test all 6 and took it multiple times.

When I would drive to work or during work I would listen to over and over again https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVzkjYR3xN1V9nlcECuygEZVlS4rj5qaf&si=6WS3ZNLYnIwc8l7A

Then I also did 100 questions of https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHhIdV9HZmF2aUNwYXp2bWVQSGFOMEV6aTN6QXxBQ3Jtc0ttbDRRRUhpVWVtSjV3ZXFWZFNRZ3Y1bFJUSTAyUnZma3Qyc1U4RmN3cmoxRTZ4UEkxQ0hvTGFDb080OXZpWkRfRE9LQnJSWEExZlNfWXZTM3NTTmZlR1dUS2FtUGlZdUtEUU9NcGx3VW1yYXZTNm80QQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fjoshmadakor.tech%2Fitil&v=h3vxIm4UaKI

Also I found this Github on Reddit but I can’t find which post it was so thank you to whoever made this!! https://d12.github.io/itil-quiz/game.html

Goodluck !!


r/WGUu/madawg91213h ago

Information TechnologyCybersecurity students: how long did it take you to graduate?


For those of you that came in with little to no IT experience how long did it take you to graduate? Do you have any tips on what have helped you get through it?

1 comment

r/WGUu/Troxfit16h ago

Wgu academy down?


Log in keeps saying I'm locked out because of multiple failed log in attempts. I've reset my password twice with no change.

Issues for anyone else?


r/WGUu/SufficientStress465811h ago

Peer Led cohorts


I was in one today and it seemed to add insignificant value to my study & comprehension of the course. what’s the main goal of them? we spent about 10 minutes on the actual course material (reading out loud) & 30 minutes on managing time. I guess i was expecting something more structured. I’m still going to attend more tho.

1 comment

r/WGUu/Working-Ladder-900313h ago

Alumni Merch


I just graduated from WGU and went to the commencement in salt lake. My new manager at work graduated from WGU a few months ago but wasn’t able to make the commencement. I was so caught up in the craziness during the commencement that I forgot to get her some merch or something to congratulate her for her graduation since she wasn’t able to come. :(

The online merch store doesn’t have many options. Any ideas of something I can get her to congratulate her?


r/WGUu/Ok_Office_483410h ago

Email not available after graduation


Hello, I graduated on the 13th and today I lost access to the institutional email. When I go to mywgu and access it from there it says it is disabled by administrators. My email app was default with the wgu email but today I entered and the account was removed. Automatic login no longer works. I feel kinda like an idiot, I started using this email to apply for jobs to be seen more professional but now, I have no idea. I have applied to 80 jobs so far, but now I’m in the dark (USAjobs, only one application for available position == I’m screwed)


r/WGUu/dewell1014h ago

Anyone starting BSCSIA on 9/1 ??


Hello everyone. First, I'd like to say thank you to everyone who posts in here about their successes and shortcomings with this programming. Overall, it was one of the deciding factors for me when it came to following through on enrollment.

I already have CompTIA Sec +, and I am starting the program 9/1 and I'm looking for other people on the same journey who are interested in studying together, and working as accountability partners. If anyone is interested, please feel free to reach out.

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together"


Western Governors University (2024)


How respected is Western Governors University? ›

We're Institutionally Accredited—the Highest Form of Accreditation. Western Governors University is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), an institutional accreditation body of colleges and universities in a seven-state region that includes WGU's headquarters of Utah.

Is WGU a reputable university? ›

Absolutely. Accreditation by an institutional commission that's recognized by the U.S. Department of Education is important.

Is Western Governors University a degree mill? ›

WGU is an accredited online university, which means it has been vetted by organizations that assess the quality of education. Calling it a 'diploma mill' isn't accurate, as diploma mills are typically unaccredited institutions that offer degrees with little or no academic study. That's not the case with WGU.

How much does WGU cost per 6 months? ›

Earn both your bachelor's in IT and master's in IT management at a faster pace with fewer courses. Time: Approximately 5 years. Tuition: $3,725 per 6-month term for the bachelor's degree; $4,040 per term for the master's portion. Courses: 42 total courses in this program.

What is the WGU controversy? ›

In 2017, the U.S. Department of Education inspector general conducted an audit and found that WGU wasn't meeting basic guidelines, recommending a $713 million fine against the school that has not been imposed.

Is Western Governors University Mormon? ›

There is no religious or institutional affiliation associated with WGU.

What university is called the Harvard of the Midwest? ›

Founded in 1890, The University of Chicago is the Harvard of the Midwest, renowned for its dedication to rigorous inquiry. Emphasizing diversity of thought, UChicago aims to shape new fields of study that impact the world positively.

What is Western Governors University known for? ›

Western Governors University (WGU) is a private, non-profit online university based in Millcreek, Utah, United States. The university uses an online competency-based learning model, providing advanced education for working professionals.

Is WGU fully accredited? ›

WGU is institutionally accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), the highest form of accreditation.

Does FAFSA pay for WGU? ›

WGU is approved to offer qualifying students federal financial aid in the form of Pell Grants and student loans. You can fill out your FAFSA to see if you qualify for this federal aid.

Is WGU 100% online? ›

WGU is an online school with career-aligned bachelor's and master's degrees in—IT, teaching, business, and healthcare—designed to help working professionals fit an online university education into their busy lives.

Is WGU considered a four year college? ›

The average time it takes to graduate from WGU Texas is about 2.5 years for a bachelor's degree, which costs about $15,000. By contrast, to complete the 120 credits that are usually needed to earn a bachelor's degree, students usually spend at least four years in college.

How prestigious is Western University? ›

Ranked among the top 1 per cent of universities in the world, we are an academic institution recognized for leadership in education, research and healthcare.

Does Western University have a good reputation? ›

Western University ranks as one of Canada's top research universities. From fundamental to applied knowledge, Western discoveries benefit economic, social, health and cultural development in Canada and around the world. Western University ranks as one of Canada's top research universities.

Is a nursing degree from WGU respected? ›

Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education acknowledges WGU's nursing education for quality and integrity; grants 10-year accreditation for nursing programs.

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